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Scenarios tagged: piano

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play My Piano
plays 2707 / votes 0

My Piano

by guava6, 2014/4/11

A small piano with an interactive stave.

play Piano
plays 3209 / votes 0


by wifi, 2013/10/21

A piano that can be played with the computer keyboard.

play Piano
plays 3574 / votes 2


by KAKATOX, 2013/5/12

play The Magical Piano of Christ
plays 3191 / votes 0

The Magical Piano of Christ

by thesexyrabbi, 2013/4/17

See title.

play Typing
plays 3485 / votes 1


by Kiara, 2013/4/1

play piano-project
plays 3494 / votes 1


by hamdestroyer, 2013/3/27

play PianoKiller
plays 2778 / votes 0


by ColeoCofer, 2013/3/27

Kill zombies while rocking out!

play Simple Piano Visualizer
plays 2509 / votes 0

Simple Piano Visualizer

by crows, 2013/3/27

It's a piano.

play Piano of Doom
plays 2857 / votes 0

Piano of Doom

by amtousley, 2013/3/25

Avoid rectangles generated by the keyboard.