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Scenarios tagged: platformer

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play Top H.A.T
plays 1466 / votes 1

Top H.A.T

by MetaGamer, 2018/12/6


play Hacker in Wonderscreen
plays 2110 / votes 0

Hacker in Wonderscreen

by Malentium, 2018/6/29

A platformer about Prince Hacker and Princess Compiler

play Disturb & Escape v1.4
plays 1364 / votes 0

Disturb & Escape v1.4

by donysamdhila, 2018/6/14

play Squirtle Squad
plays 2887 / votes 0

Squirtle Squad

by farzyno, 2017/5/11

Platform shooter with pokemon

play Platformer 2
plays 3140 / votes 0

Platformer 2

by Nichodon, 2017/2/26

Even better than the last one

play Platformer
plays 5090 / votes 3


by Nichodon, 2016/7/21

Just a test...

play Thief
plays 2497 / votes 0


by Rae, 2016/12/16

Steal the treasure and don't get caught.

play Mario 7 Coin Adventure
plays 3934 / votes 0

Mario 7 Coin Adventure

by EAPyoutube, 2016/7/22

A simple Mario Platformer

play Finns legit game which is even more legit
plays 2250 / votes 0

Finns legit game which is even more legit

by Madbear, 2016/7/15