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Scenarios tagged: players

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play Fruity Bees
plays 2784 / votes 0

Fruity Bees

by Reginold, 2017/10/11

It's a TWO PLAYERS game!

play Jamaïca
plays 2601 / votes 0


by arybloom, 2013/12/19

Strategy game with 4 players

play Othelo for two players
plays 2806 / votes 0

Othelo for two players

by farias_a, 2013/11/4

The classic one

play survive2die 1.0
plays 2366 / votes 0

survive2die 1.0

by Omidaz, 2012/12/21

2 player

play 2 Player Lobster Crab
plays 2722 / votes 0

2 Player Lobster Crab

by jjsGSMST, 2012/11/2

Same as the little crab scenario but 2 Players!

play 2 player elephant game
plays 2938 / votes 0

2 player elephant game

by jjsGSMST, 2012/11/2

Same as my other elephant game but 2 players!