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Scenarios tagged: red

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play Ambulance Rush
plays 2147 / votes 1

Ambulance Rush

by Ubbos_Bubbos, 2020/4/17

Drive as fast as possible

play Cop Car Chase 2
plays 2458 / votes 0

Cop Car Chase 2

by coolcat1, 2017/12/1

As the robber, you are running from the cops, don't get caught or you will crash.

play Little Crab Chapter 3
plays 3223 / votes 0

Little Crab Chapter 3

by Thunderbird, 2015/10/20

Little Crab 3 Simulator

play Laser demo
plays 3431 / votes 0

Laser demo

by erdelf, 2012/6/13

It shows how to make a laser

play 11.16.11 (Pong Final Copy)
plays 2829 / votes 0

11.16.11 (Pong Final Copy)

by mpershan, 2011/11/28

play Colors!
plays 3905 / votes 1


by RM6442, 2011/11/14

A program that creates colors.

play Adventures in 2D
plays 9295 / votes 9

Adventures in 2D

by DonaldDuck, 2011/4/25

Kill the reds

play Platformerman
plays 2887 / votes 0


by Minidozzer, 2011/4/13

play project
plays 2738 / votes 0


by Minidozzer, 2011/4/13

2 man shooter