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Scenarios tagged: reusable

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play UILibrary
plays 9871 / votes 8


by mik, 2010/10/6

Reusable GUI components (button, label, checkbox, ...)

play MathDisplayer Reusable
plays 2509 / votes 0

MathDisplayer Reusable

by NikZ, 2015/1/22

Display Fractions and More! Reusable.

play Flashlight Demo
plays 3462 / votes 0

Flashlight Demo

by NikZ, 2014/9/26

Looks real!

play zTools 1.0
plays 2583 / votes 0

zTools 1.0

by NikZ, 2014/10/19

play Text Calculator
plays 2059 / votes 0

Text Calculator

by basil60, 2014/7/3

play GUI Components
plays 15808 / votes 17

GUI Components

by bourne, 2013/3/1

Reusable GUI components. (TextBox, Menu, ListBox, Window, etc.)

play TrafficRush
plays 3062 / votes 0


by Amri, 2014/2/27

The power of greenfoot!

play Two Player UserInfo
plays 5692 / votes 4

Two Player UserInfo

by bourne, 2014/1/9

Beta: A reusable utility for onsite user 2-player games. Provides user online status, opponent selection, client communication, etc.

play Magnifying Glass
plays 4054 / votes 0

Magnifying Glass

by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, 2013/9/2

Magnify the background with the mouse!