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Scenarios tagged: robot

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play Defend Aginst Viruses
plays 863 / votes 0

Defend Aginst Viruses

by Abdurrahman_faiz, 2023/4/2

protect a robot from a virus attack

play Bomberman
plays 8841 / votes 6


by Super_Hippo, 2013/2/1

Find your way through many levels!

play mylittleShooter
plays 2690 / votes 0


by Timon, 2017/3/25

Shoot the robots.

play Go Home Curiosity, You're Drunk
plays 4026 / votes 0

Go Home Curiosity, You're Drunk

by dmmagee, 2016/12/2

A Treasure Hunt style game, featuring the Mars Curiosity Rover

play Fun with neural networls - first draft
plays 2434 / votes 0

Fun with neural networls - first draft

by rcalinjageman, 2015/9/6

a to add neurons, x to excite them, readme.txt for other commands

play Simple Maze
plays 3032 / votes 0

Simple Maze

by fejfo, 2015/6/16

made to played by a n.e.a.t. bot

play Mulitiplayer simple christmas game for begginers
plays 3449 / votes 1

Mulitiplayer simple christmas game for begginers

by tomw, 2013/12/18

simple easy multiplayer christmas game for begginers

play Robot Survival
plays 3804 / votes 1

Robot Survival

by tomw, 2014/2/5

Robot Survival game!

play FLASH
plays 2791 / votes 0


by Tristan365, 2014/5/22

A cool scrolling game