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Scenarios tagged: school

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play Escape Room
plays 555 / votes 0

Escape Room

by Floofy, 2024/4/25

play Populations, Reproduction, and Mutations
plays 992 / votes 0

Populations, Reproduction, and Mutations

by ikechen, 2023/3/8

Simulation of population growth and spread of mutations.

play Newton's Lab 3 - A Variation
plays 905 / votes 0

Newton's Lab 3 - A Variation

by ikechen, 2023/2/14

Includes functionalities inspired by Chapter 8 exercises from the textbook.

play Somniphobia
plays 859 / votes 0


by Matt-27, 2023/1/13

A fear of sleeping

play How Smoking Affects Our Blood Vessels
plays 875 / votes 0

How Smoking Affects Our Blood Vessels

by ikechen, 2023/1/7

Interactive side-scroller game which showcases plaque buildup and blood vessel constriction due to smoking.

play Simulation of Princeton Day School's Campus Center
plays 933 / votes 1

Simulation of Princeton Day School's Campus Center

by ikechen, 2022/12/8

Two player game; collect the food and reach the table first!

play Sushy
plays 1483 / votes 2


by FunnyOtter, 2022/8/23

Create a Classic Game in a new style

play BeeWorld School Project Game
plays 1659 / votes 0

BeeWorld School Project Game

by Plane_Crazy, 2021/3/31

This is my classwork for Java Fundimentals.

play Kamel in Wüste
plays 1384 / votes 0

Kamel in Wüste

by PhilSwift, 2021/3/8

school mr.liner