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Scenarios tagged: source-text

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play Bounce Demo
plays 1795 / votes 1

Bounce Demo

by danpost, 2022/2/18

Demo of ball bouncing off angled surfaces (triangles).

play Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform
plays 12014 / votes 11

Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform

by danpost, 2014/4/15

A jump and run platform demo with a moving platform.

play TextImage Support Class
plays 7928 / votes 4

TextImage Support Class

by danpost, 2014/8/13

A class to extend GreenfootImage for rendering text images. Multiple font capability.

play Space Smileys
plays 4464 / votes 5

Space Smileys

by danpost, 2014/4/30

These guys have been in space way too long. They are gitty and reckless. Avoid at all costs.

play Snake Trapper
plays 6345 / votes 1

Snake Trapper

by danpost, 2014/3/2

Try to contain all snakes to one cell each.

play Hangman
plays 10515 / votes 13


by danpost, 2014/4/19

A basic hangman.

play Paintball Dodge
plays 6111 / votes 7

Paintball Dodge

by danpost, 2014/4/25

Dodge the paintball pellets. Fifteen hits and your red and dead.

play Global Defense
plays 5073 / votes 2

Global Defense

by danpost, 2014/5/27

Defend your ground as best you can. Shoot down incoming projectiles.

play Killer Bees
plays 4678 / votes 1

Killer Bees

by danpost, 2014/7/25

A scrolling avoider that demos the use of the 'super' keyword. High scores and code viewing implemented -- log in to access at game over.