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Scenarios tagged: textbox

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play Timed scrolling
plays 5556 / votes 3

Timed scrolling

by danpost, 2012/7/4

6 worlds with different tile counts to make the scrolling background, giving frames per second.

play GUI Components
plays 15885 / votes 17

GUI Components

by bourne, 2013/3/1

Reusable GUI components. (TextBox, Menu, ListBox, Window, etc.)

play National Contest - Junior Exercise Two
plays 3699 / votes 1

National Contest - Junior Exercise Two

by erdelf, 2012/11/12

play TextBox Demo
plays 4226 / votes 1

TextBox Demo

by tuogex, 2013/2/5

Type all the things!

play TextBox02
plays 10612 / votes 6


by dbal, 2008/7/19

Demo of a better TextBox GUI object

play TextBox01
plays 12909 / votes 3


by dbal, 2008/7/13

Demo of a simple TextBox GUI object