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Scenarios tagged: with-source

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play Tanks
plays 3395 / votes 0


by winkleden, 2011/11/12


play RTS Unit Tester
plays 4827 / votes 3

RTS Unit Tester

by Builderboy2005, 2011/11/12

play Periodic Defense
plays 4252 / votes 1

Periodic Defense

by ImFerocious, 2011/11/11

Tower Defense with Elements

play Alphabet order
plays 4876 / votes 4

Alphabet order

by K_O_P, 2011/11/11

Arranges the words that you enter in alphabetical sequence.

play Newtons-Lab-dor
plays 6785 / votes 6


by dordor, 2011/11/5

simulation of bodies in space

play Zombies Horde
plays 5272 / votes 3

Zombies Horde

by Vassallo, 2011/10/31

Kill all the Hordes of Zombies

play Crab Game
plays 1667 / votes 0

Crab Game

by WillCrawford, 2011/11/6

Crab Game as Class Exercise

play Cosmic Crush
plays 8091 / votes 8

Cosmic Crush

by Locomotion15, 2011/6/11

Simple game similar to feeding frenzy

play Balloon shooter
plays 3925 / votes 0

Balloon shooter

by winkleden, 2011/11/5

Shoot balloons