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Scenarios tagged: with-source

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play Match
plays 5547 / votes 5


by qnanqing, 2008/10/25

match the key board arrow

play Gravitation
plays 9066 / votes 6


by Krendil, 2008/10/18

A 2d gravity simulator

play Breakout
plays 5720 / votes 0


by Finn Kerr, 2008/10/16

Your typical game of bricks with powerups (and powerdowns ><, )

play Dog Food Dash
plays 4620 / votes 0

Dog Food Dash

by Bennett, 2008/10/16

play Garbage Collector
plays 6716 / votes 7

Garbage Collector

by svenancio, 2008/10/13

recycle the garbage

play Insects
plays 3155 / votes 1


by erik, 2008/10/13

play Spelling Game
plays 9041 / votes 5

Spelling Game

by kamegani, 2008/10/5

Catch the right letters to write a word!

play Circles
plays 12408 / votes 12


by JL235, 2008/8/17

a simple circle bouncing example scenario

play Asteroid Field
plays 4552 / votes 0

Asteroid Field

by zovisk, 2008/10/7

Try to escape the asteroid field for as long as you can