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Greenfoot back
danpost wrote ...


On fixing 'Infect'

danpost danpost


Let me know when I can upload another version to show you. I have some image issues that I am working on. OK! Got the image problem taken care of!
kiarocks kiarocks


kiarocks kiarocks


you can now
danpost danpost


kiarocks, it has been uploaded for you. Also, it is being looked at to determine why a compiler message is popping up after compiling the program.
kiarocks kiarocks


danpost danpost


Do you want me to take it off? or leave it on? I have no need for it to be on anymore.
kiarocks kiarocks


you can take it off
danpost danpost


I took it off. Yes, one survived! It was probably hiding under a rock and avoided getting infected!
kiarocks kiarocks


no idea what you said in comments but ill try
kiarocks kiarocks


how would you do what mik suggested?
danpost danpost


First, in the Person.class, add the variables 'private int age = 18 * InfectWorld.ageRate;' and 'private int procreateChance = 20;' and 'private int infectChance = 10;' and 'private int deathChance = 5;' and, of course, 'private int sex;'. In '(World) InfectWorld' you could add another variable 'public static final int ageRate = 20;' to regulate how fast they age. '20' is probably not what you want (it can be changed -- higher, probably, or lower, I doubt). It will be the number of Person.act()s cycled through to complete one year of life.
public void act() // In 'Person.class'
    int actualAge = (age - (age % InfectWorld.ageRate) ) / InfectWorld.ageRate; // Computes actual age
    if (age % InfectWorld.ageRate == 0 && actualAge % 13 == 0) // On every 13th Birthday
    // The first part asks if it is a birthday, the second part asks if actualAge is a multiple of 13
        infectChance += 10;
        deathChance += 5;
    if (actualAge< 15) { procreateChance = 0; }
    if (actualAge > 14) { procreateChance = 10; }
    if (actualAge > 20) { procreateChance = 30; }
    if (actualAge > 35) { procreateChance = 10; }
    if (actualAge > 40) { procreateChange = 5; }
    if (actualAge > 50) { procreateChange = 1; }
    // This next part adjust the image size for growth
    GreenfootImage myImage = getImage(); // full size = 43 x 51
    int myWidth = (actualAge + 1) * 43 / 18;    
    if (myWidth > 43) { myWidth = 43; }
    int myHeight = (actualAge + 1) * 51 / 18;
    if (myHeight > 51) { myHeight = 51; }
    myImage.scale(myWidth, myHeight);
    // Check for death
    if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) < deathChance)
        die(); // Need to create method 'private void die() { ... }' to do what needs done when death occurs
    ...  //  Check for near infecteds, and if so:
    if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) < infectChance)
    // Check for couterpart Person adjacent, and if so:
    if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) < procreateChance)
        procreate(); // add Person: age, procreateChance, infectChance = 0; sex = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2);  etc.
    ... // other code you MIGHT already have
This would be the basics for setting up what he was referring to.
danpost danpost


Actually, it might be better for lines 5 through 16 above to incorporate the use of a 'switch' like so:
if (age % InfectWorld.ageRate == 0) // asking if is an actual birthday
    switch (actualAge)
        case 13:
            infectChance = 10;
            deathChance = 1;
            procreateChance = 2;
        case 18:
            infectChance = 15;
            deathChance = 5;
            procreateChance = 10;
        case 21:
            deathChance = 3;
            procreateChance = 15 - 5 * infectionLevel;
        case 26:
            procreateChance = 20 - 5 * infectionLevel;
        case 35:
            procreateChance = 5 - infectionLevel;
        case 50:
            procreateChance = 0;
            infectChance = 20;
            deathChance = 5;
        case 60:
            infectChance = 25;
            deathChance = 8;
        case 75:
            infectChance = 30;
            deathChance = 12;
kiarocks kiarocks


how do i add variable age?
danpost danpost


You could even add to Person.class the variables 'private boolean isPregnant = false;' and 'private int howLongTillDue = 0;' so if procreating, change 'isPregnant' to 'true' and 'howLongTillDue' to 'InfectWorld.ageRate * 3 / 4' (equivalent to 9 months). In act() for Person:
if (isPregnant)
    if (howLongTillDue == 0)
        getWorld().addObject(new Person(0, 0), getX(), getY());
        isPregnant = false;
And add methods: (find out which of the two encountering Persons is the female)
private void procreate(Person female)
    isPregnant = true;
    howLongTillDue = InfectWorld.ageRate * 3 / 4;
Add a new constructor:
public void Person(int myAge, int stageOfInfection)
    age = myAge;
    infectionStage = stageOfInfection;
    sex = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2);
    direction = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(4);
    setRotation(90 * direction);
    // set image and set other variables here
danpost danpost


Where the other variables for Person are declared:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.*;

public class Person extends Actor
    private int direction;
    private int infectionStage;
    private int actCycle = 0;
    // Each instance of Person has these variables and the values are independent from each other
    // The new variables go right along with those above
    private int age;
    private int sex;
    private int infectChance;
    private int procreateChance;
    private int deathChance;
    private boolean isPregnant = false;
    private int howLongTillDue = 0;
    public Person()
        direction = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(4);
        setRotation(90 * direction);
        age = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100);
        sex = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2);
        infectionStage = 0;
        // set other variables and image dependent on age/infectionStage

    public Person(int myAge, int stageOfInfection)
        age = myAge;
        infectionStage = stageOfInfection;
        sex = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2);
        // set other variables and image

    public void act() 
         // act code
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