I think the problem might be, to write the Gravity, that the Objects fall...?
Well.. I think it doesn't have to be a problem @all. Have a good look/search, you might see some real interesting scenarios, some with/without source, handle jumping, falling, gravitational forces and more relative stuff!
My excuse is I've just come out of my final year project where our group wrote a 3D physics engine. I therefore don't feel like touching them again for at least another few years ;)
Physics is probably the largest hurdle, those types of engines can be really hard to build! If someone were to write a library however, it may be more feasible.
hmm, a google search for physics library java shows 18.500.000 results, there's a lot of usefull stuff
You know, I'd be willing to give it a shot in exchange for advice or collaberation. You know, like design stuff, or help for problems I might have. I think I can handle the physics, but coding a game like that might be a little tough for me.
ill be a volunteer, but i have junior high school also. Why not use lunarlander scenario for gravity?
I can work on the physics of the stacking objects. I have been thinking about working on a rigid body collision solver for a while, and this will be really useful ^^
@kiarocks - you're right that lunarlander would be much easier. But don't aim too low -- you'll be surprised what you can achieve if you give it a try!
oh yeah, i deleted the lunar lander. re-downloading now...
AHHHHH!!!!! where can you download it!
reopened .zip and got it..
I'll work on a scenario where you fling an object out of a slingshot. Shouldn't take me too long to have it up.