So I was just reading through the code so I could understand what was going on and now no world is seen and when I tried to share it Greenfoot told me that no world class could be found.
The code of the world() class is:
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* Write a description of class Desert here.
* @author (your name)
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class Road extends World
// instance variables
private int counter = 0;
private int spawnRate;
private int spawnY;
private int vehicleSpeed;
private int lives = 3;
private int level;
private int autoCount;
private Level currentLevel;
private boolean levelLoaded = false;
private boolean spawning;
private boolean actionPaused = false;
private boolean showScore = false;
private boolean deathSequenceActive = false;
// Not implemented yet:
private int chanceOfDouble;
private int chanceOfTriple;
// Sounds and Graphics loading
private GreenfootImage frogImage = new GreenfootImage ("frog.png");
private GreenfootImage splat = new GreenfootImage ("splat.png");
private GreenfootImage rivalImage = new GreenfootImage ("rival.gif");
// For some reason sounds work better if initialized in the constructor
private GreenfootSound smush;
private GreenfootSound levelUpSound;
private GreenfootSound gameOverSound;
// owned instance objects
private LifeCounter lifeCounter = new LifeCounter ();
private LevelCounter levelCounter = new LevelCounter ();
private Frogger myFrog = new Frogger();
private Rival redRival = new Rival();
//heart object
private Actor heart;
* Constructor for objects of class Desert.
public Road()
// Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
super(600, 400, 1);
// Ensure that Frogs and Blood occur over top of everything else
setPaintOrder(Frogger.class, BloodPool.class, ScoreBoard.class, Enemy.class);
// Add the life counter to the World
addObject (lifeCounter, 67, 25);
addObject (levelCounter, 530, 24);
// Initialize sound within the constructor to avoid wierd sound lag
smush = new GreenfootSound("smush.wav");
levelUpSound = new GreenfootSound("mariocoin.mp3");
gameOverSound = new GreenfootSound("GameOver.wav");
// Set level to 1
level = 1;
autoCount = 0;
public void act ()
// Load level if necessary
if (levelLoaded == false)
// Load level if player has lives left
if (lives > 0)
levelLoaded = true;
ScoreBoard s = new ScoreBoard (level, "Game Over", "On Level ");
addObject (s, 300,200);;
// End program
// If appropriate, spawn cars
if (actionPaused == false && spawning == true)
// Control sequence to ensure that after death, program waits until
// all cars are off-screen before spawning the next Frogger
if (deathSequenceActive)
if (autoCount == 0)
deathSequenceActive = false;
levelLoaded = false;
// Create hearts at specified rate----------------------------------------------------------
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(300)==0) { //creates a random number at every frame and if it is equal to 0...
heart=new Heart(); //create a new heart
addObject(heart,Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(451)+50,Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(226)+150); //add the heart to the world with random coordinates between (50,150) and (450,225)
//note: increasing the 300 in the if statement will create less hearts, and vice versa for decreasing
// Method to set necessary values to change level
private void levelLoader ()
// Add a fresh Frogger object
addObject(myFrog, 300, 370);
// Update the info stored in currentLevel
currentLevel = new Level (level);
// Set image to frog (in case "splat" was being displayed)
// change appropriate booleans for game flow
actionPaused = false;
spawning = true;
// load instance variables from Level
spawnRate = currentLevel.getSpawnRate();
vehicleSpeed = currentLevel.getVehicleSpeed();
chanceOfDouble = currentLevel.getChanceOfDouble();
chanceOfTriple = currentLevel.getChanceOfTriple();
// Ensure that level is not loaded again until necessary
levelLoaded = true;
* Controlled spawning of new cars
private void spawnCars()
int randVal = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3)+1;
int spawnChance = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) + 1;
// spawn single
if (counter % spawnRate == 0)
if (randVal == 1)
spawnY = 127;
else if (randVal == 2)
spawnY = 223;
spawnY = 320;
addObject(new EastboundAuto(vehicleSpeed), 20, spawnY);
else if (counter % spawnRate == spawnRate / 2)
if (randVal == 1)
spawnY = 78;
else if (randVal == 2)
spawnY = 173;
spawnY = 270;
addObject(new WestboundAuto(vehicleSpeed), 578, spawnY);
private void spawn (int num, int y, boolean east)
* This method gets called when the player dies or finishes a level
* True = player completed level
* False = player died
public void endLevel(boolean win)
ScoreBoard s = null;
actionPaused = true;
spawning = false;
if (win == true)
removeObject (myFrog);
levelLoaded = false;
// Change the Frogger's image to the bloody frog
// Play a smush sound;
BloodPool b = new BloodPool();
addObject (b, myFrog.getX(), myFrog.getY());
lives -= 1;
actionPaused = false;
deathSequenceActive = true;
removeObject (myFrog);
//create a method for adding a life------------------------------------------------------------
public void collectHeart()
public boolean isActionPaused ()
return actionPaused;
public void reduceAutoCount (int byHowMany)
autoCount -= byHowMany;
The only other thing I did was create an Actor. In case it is the problem, the code for the new Actor is:
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* Write a description of class Rival here.
* @author (your name)
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class Rival extends Actor
* Act - do whatever the Rival wants to do. This method is called whenever
* the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
private int speed;
private boolean active;
public Rival()
active= true;
public void act()
if (checkWin() )
else if(checkDeath() && active == true)
active = false;
public void addedToWorld (World w)
active = true;
public void advance()
if (active == true)
setLocation(getWorld().getWidth()-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100), getY());
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150) < 10)
turn(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(90) - 45);
if (getX() >= getWorld().getWidth())
private boolean checkDeath()
Enemy e = (Enemy)getOneIntersectingObject(Enemy.class);
if (e != null)
// if an enemy is detected colliding with Frogger, then death = true :(
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkWin()
if (getY() <= 32)
active = false;
return true;
return false;
private void endGame (boolean win)
// Return a message declaring win or lose to the Road (World)
Road d = (Road)getWorld();
d.endLevel (win);
public void setSpeed (int speed)
this.speed = speed;

