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Greenfoot back
Kyuubi wrote ...


An animation only takes the last photo of it?

Kyuubi Kyuubi


In the following provided code, on the press of key "k" an animation should take place before spawning the magic attack, but unless i use something like greenfoot delay, only the last frame is shown, no matter how much time i put between the frames
if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("k") && !kKeyPressed && Mana.mana >= 10&& magicCooldown==0) {
            kKeyPressed = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {

        if (!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("k")) {
            kKeyPressed = false;
        private void cycleImagesMagic() {
         if (imageToggleCooldown == 0) {
        setImage("magic/MagicAttack" + magicAttack + ".png");
        magicAttack = (magicAttack + 1) % 4;
        imageToggleCooldown = 5;  // Adjust the cooldown as needed
        } else {
to explain the code, I have 4 pictures that it should cycle thru with 5 acts cooldown between each of them, thats why the "i" in the for goes to 19. From 1 to 2, 5 acts, 2 to 3, 5 acts and 3 to 4, 5 acts, summed with the 4 acts needed to do the animation, its 19. Please help i dont know what else to do :(((
Kyuubi Kyuubi


Reply: I kinda solved it in a very "unholy" way i used another variable that is set as 1 when k is pressed and if that variable is 1, the default animation becomes that animation, and once it hits 4 acts, it changes back to 0. It works but i feel like it isnt the right way
danpost danpost


Kyuubi wrote...
Reply: I kinda solved it in a very "unholy" way i used another variable that is set as 1 when k is pressed and if that variable is 1, the default animation becomes that animation, and once it hits 4 acts, it changes back to 0. It works but i feel like it isnt the right way
Seems like an awful many variables. You should only need one for the state of the 'k' key and a timer for the animation:
// fields
boolean kKeyDown;
int kTimer;

// in act
if (kKeyDown != Greenfoot.isKeyDown("k")) {
    kKeyDown = ! kKeyDown;
    if (kKeyDown && Mana.mana >= 10 && kTimer == 0) {
        kTimer = 4*5+1;
        Mana.mana -= 10;
if (kTimer > 0 && (--kTimer)%5 == 0) {
    if (kTimer == 0) {
    else {
        setImage("magic/MagicAttack" + (4-(kTimer/5)) + ".png");
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