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Greenfoot back
ChillDude23 wrote ...


Problem: In an linear array of block objects, how to make each block in the array two hit before being destroyed by a ball object (bad understanding soz)

ChillDude23 ChillDude23


Breakout World public class Breakout extends World public void drawBlockOne() { int xCoord = 29; int yCoord = 29; int blockWidth = 60; for(int col = 0; col < maxCol; col++) { addObject(new blockOne(), xCoord, yCoord); xCoord += blockWidth; } Block Object public class Block extends Actor public void act() { }
danpost danpost


ChillDude23 wrote...
Problem: In an linear array of block objects, how to make each block in the array two hit before being destroyed by a ball object (bad understanding soz) << Code Omitted >>
Just add an instance int variable to the Block class to track hits:
// variable in Block class
private int hitsRemaining = 2;

// when hit, call the following method in Block class
public void hit() {
    if (hitsRemaining == 0) getWorld().removeObject(this);
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