I want to play a sound when my player is walking, this is the code I have for the checkMovement method. How do I make it to where the walking sound plays when I press w or a or s or d and then stops when I release the keys?
private void checkMovement() { // Gets the exact location. double x = getExactX(); double y = getExactY(); // Stores the original location so that the player can stay in that location whenever they try to go through an object that they aren't supposed to. double originalX = x; double originalY = y; GreenfootSound walking = new GreenfootSound("walking.mp3"); // Move up whenever the "w" key is pressed. if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w")) { y -= speed; } // Move down whenever the "s" key is pressed. if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s")) { y += speed; } // Move left whenever the "a" key is pressed, while also flipping the player to face the left. if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a")) { x -= speed; if (facingRight) { flipImage(); facingRight = false; } } // Move right whenever the "d" key is pressed, while also flipping the player to face the right. if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d")) { x += speed; if (!facingRight) { flipImage(); facingRight = true; } } // Temporarily move to the new location to test for collisions. setLocation(x, y); // Return to the original position if colliding with a Tree. if (isTouching(Tree.class)) { setLocation(originalX, originalY); } // Return to the original position if colliding with a Barrier. if (isTouching(Barrier.class)) { setLocation(originalX, originalY); } }