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preheatto360 wrote ...


Sound Error Whenever Greenfoot.ask() is Answered

preheatto360 preheatto360


In my scenario, there is a title screen world that plays sound when it is initialized, and has a button to go to a cutscene world. Both are subclasses of the foodtruck class. The cutscene world stops the sound then runs an ask prompt for the player's username. Whenever I run the scenario, input something in the prompt, and reset to enter the title world again, the sound there becomes really glitchy and gives me a weird error:
Exception in thread "SoundStream:file:/C:/Users/John%20Doe/OneDrive/Summative/sounds/foodtrucktitle.mp3" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
	at java.base/
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream.readBytes(
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream.syncHeader(
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Header.read_header(
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream.nextFrame(
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream.readNextFrame(
	at javazoom.jl.decoder.Bitstream.readFrame(
	at java.base/
Foodtruck class:
public class FoodTruck extends World
    private static String question; //stores player name
    boolean isAsked; //name ask condition
    SimpleTimer timer = new SimpleTimer(); //timer object
    boolean timerRunning; // timer start condition
    private static int day; //game days
    static GreenfootSound title = new GreenfootSound("foodtrucktitle.mp3");
    static GreenfootSound daystart = new GreenfootSound("daystart.mp3");
    static GreenfootSound order = new GreenfootSound("truckorder.mp3");
Title class:
public class FoodTruckStart extends FoodTruck
     * Constructor for objects of class FoodTruckStart.
    public FoodTruckStart()
        addObject(new FoodTruckPlay(), 100, 200);
        addObject(new FoodTruckSet(), 200, 200);
        addObject(new back(), 300, 200);
cutscene class:
public class FoodTruckCutscene extends FoodTruck
     * Constructor for objects of class FoodTruckCutscene.
    public FoodTruckCutscene()
        addObject(new skipcutscene(), 550, 350);
    public void act()
        if (!isAsked)
            setQuestion(Greenfoot.ask("Enter your name:"));
            isAsked = true;
        if (isAsked)
            if (!timerRunning)
                timerRunning = true;
            if (timerRunning && timer.millisElapsed() > 1000 && timer.millisElapsed() < 4000)
                //cutscene sequence. will do later
            else if (timerRunning && timer.millisElapsed() > 4000)
                Greenfoot.setWorld(new FoodTruckDay());
The error doesn't happen if I don't input something in the prompt beforehand, so I think it has something to do with that. Any help would be really appreciated!!
danpost danpost


You should really use the greenfoot.World method started() to get things going, particularly in the FoodTruckCutscene class. Also, would be simple to stop the music before/when you leave the FoodTRuckStart world (instead of after). The error itself looks like what you get when there is descriptive data included in the sound file (which would need to be removed by resaving the file without the descriptors).
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