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yumyumlover69 wrote ...


how do I program bubbles shooting

yumyumlover69 yumyumlover69


I want to shoot bubbles out of my Bubblegun, but i don't know how I need to program that
danpost danpost


yumyumlover69 wrote...
I want to shoot bubbles out of my Bubblegun, but i don't know how I need to program that
I would start with this:
import greenfoot.*;

public class BubbleGun extends Actor
    protected GreenfootImage bubbleImage = new GreenfootImage("bubble.png");
    private boolean spaceDown = false;
    public void act() {
        // shooting
        if (spaceDown != Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space")) {
            spaceDown = !spaceDown;
            if (spaceDown) {
                Bubble bubble = new Bubble();
                getWorld().addObject(bubble, getX()+0, getY()+0); // adjust offsets ass needed

       /**  other gun actions here  */
    private class Bubble extends Actor
        protected void addedToWorld(World world) {
        public void act() {
and ... yes, one class is within the other as shown. Each Bubble object belongs to a specific BubbleGun object.
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