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Greenfoot back
Kujamaster wrote ...


How do I make the Screen go one step down?

Kujamaster Kujamaster


I'm a university student and I have this Assignment where the screen is supposed to go one step down for every 10th ball from the cannon. It is a clone of the game Puzzle Booble.
GameCode GameCode


To make the screen go down you have to make all your Actor-Subclasses go down :)
public void scrollDown(int fields)
    int n = getWorld().getObjects(Actor.class).size();
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        Actor a = getWorld().getObjects(Actor.class).get(i);
        a.setLocation(getX(), getY()- fields);
This should work
GameCode GameCode


*make all your Actor-Subclasses go UP
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