I'm hoping someone can help me out on this one. I have followed the instructions to install the Greenfoot-Kinect-Server, which installed without any errors, however, when I launch the application it halts with the windows error "Greenfoot-Kinect-Server.exe failed to start because MSVCP100.dll was not found..."
I am running XP media center SP3
Java 1.7.0_01
Greenfoot 2.1.2
Versions of Open NI Framework, Nite Framewook and Kinect OpenNI Driver that were downloaded today from the Greenfoot website.
I am able to use the NiUserTracker to calibrate the Kinect sensor and can calibrate it to receive the stick figure, so I know the drivers are all working.
I am able to start Greenfoot, load, compile and run the Kinect scenarios.
The only issue is not being able to launch the Greenfoot-Kinect-Server itself. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated...
I have tried to reboot and to reinstall the Greeenfoot-Kinect-Server but always end up with the same error. The only strange thing that I noticed, and I don't know if this is relevant at all, is that after I install the GKServer it just has a placeholder icon in the start menu (not the green foot). After I select it the first time, then the icon updates to the correct green foot icon. I'm out of ideas...
Thanks for any help.