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Greenfoot back
ChrisIsOsmer wrote ...


Collision Detecting

ChrisIsOsmer ChrisIsOsmer


Hey everyone, back again in search of some help. I need to make an object stop when it collides with a wall, but not stop the scenario and have the ability to keep moving in another direction (similar to PacMan). Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
davmac davmac


What have you got so far? Show us your code!
ChrisIsOsmer ChrisIsOsmer


Well this is what I'm trying, but it won't compile. Keep getting this error that has something to do with the intersects. intersects(greenfoot.Actor) in greenfoot.Actor cannot be applied to (java.lang.Class<Wall>) Here's my code for the moving object. public class Pacman extends Actor { private Integer _direction; public Pacman() { _direction = 0; } /** * Act - do whatever the Pacman wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { if(_direction == 0) { setLocation(getX()+1, getY()); } if(_direction == 1) { setLocation(getX()-1, getY()); } if(_direction == 2) { setLocation(getX(), getY()+1); } if(_direction == 3) { setLocation(getX(), getY()-1); } movement(); } public void movement() { if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("W")) //if(intersects(Wall.class) == false) { _direction = 3; } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A")) { _direction = 1; } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("S")) { _direction = 2; } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D")) { _direction = 0; } } } Just edited this post. What I was thinking about doing is making 4 different "collision detectors", one above, below, to the right, and left of this object. But I'm not sure how I would set their positions to this object. Anyone help with that?
davmac davmac


Well, regarding the error: check the documentation for the "intersects" method. You need to pass it an actor, not a class. You probably meant to use "getOneIntersectingObject" instead. To check for objects above/below/left/right, you can use "getOneObjectAtOffset" (check the documentation). E.g. to look above use: getOneObjectAtOffset(0, -10, Wall.class). The "-10" means "10 cells up".
mjoraid mjoraid


@davmac, man, you are a life saver. getOneObjectAtOffset(0, -10, Wall.class). The "-10" means "10 cells up". x and y, x is horizontal, y is vertical, but from which object ? I mean 10 cells up for .... is it the Actor, or the Wall ?
kiarocks kiarocks


10 cells up from the actor you call it from
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