I have no idea what I'm doing, anything you guys can tell me would be helpful...I'm not a good programmer. This is what I need to do...
You will use Greenfoot to create a scenario which is a simple simulation of a fish aquarium. The scenario must meet the following requirements:
I have these done...
• The aquarium world should be at least 600 by 400 cells in size.
• Background graphics: Set an image file for the aquarium.
• There are three different types of fish: Yellow, Green, and Striped.
I don't know how to do these...
• All fish start at random locations within the aquarium. The number of each type fish can be varied depend on your aquarium size.
• All fish move:
o Yellow fish only move randomly,
o Green fish move horizontally, and
o Striped fish move diagonally.
o Striped fish move at 2 cells per “act” (they are faster because they have racing stripes); all other fish move 1 cell per “act”.
o Each type of fish should change direction when they touch the edges of the aquarium.
• Fish eat other fish: Yellow fish eat only other Yellow fish, Green fish eat only Yellow fish and Striped fish eat any other non-striped type of fish. One fish eats another fish when the fish intersect each other in the aquarium. Eaten fish are removed from the aquarium. If two yellow fish intersect on of the two is eaten and the other is not. This can be random or by any rule you decide that makes sense in your code.
• Fish eat to live: Yellow fish must eat another fish every 800 “acts”, Green fish must eat another fish every 400 “acts”, Striped fish must eat another fish every 200 “acts”. If an individual fish does not eat before the required time, it starves to death. If a fish starves it should go “belly up” (the fish’s image should be turned upside down) and stop moving (or float belly up to the top and then stop moving). No fish will eat a fish which has died of starvation.