when I press enter, I wanna load a new world in my game, if there is (or isn't) a certain object currently in my world.
How do i check if there is an object currently located in the world?
List objectslookingfor = getObjects(ObjectLookingFor.class); if (objectslookingfor.size() == 0) addObject(new ObjectLookingFor(), x, y);
import java.util.List;
String key = Greenfoot.getKey(); if (key != null) { if ("enter".equals(key)) { getWorld().addObject(new Man(), x, y); // x and y can be literals or preset integer variables // getWorld().removeObject(this); *** if removing object also *** } }
private A theA; public A getA() { return theA; }
public static int x =0; public static int y =0; public void act() { x=getX(); y=getY(); }
public void addC() { Actor A; A=getOneIntersectingObject(A.class); if(A !=null) { World world; world=getWorld(); world.addObject(new C(), getX(), getY()); } }
addObject(new C(), A.x, A.y);
if (intersectingB()) addC();'
private boolean intersectingB() { Actor b; b = getOneIntersectingObject(B.class); return (b != null) } private void addC() { World world; world.getWorld(); world.addObject(new C(), getX(), getY()); }
public void addC() { Actor A; A=getOneIntersectingObject(A.class); if(A !=null) { World world; world=getWorld(); world.addObject(new C(), getX(), getY()); } }
addObject(new C(), A.x, A.y);
addObject(new C(), A.getX(), A.getY());
List cList = getIntersectingObjects(C.class); if (cList.size() >= maxCperB) { getWorld().removeObjects(cList); // removing all c objects that are on this b object getWorld().removeObject(this); // removing this b object }