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Greenfoot back
PStigerID wrote ...


Set to same level - why does this not work?

PStigerID PStigerID


                Greenfoot.setWorld(new getWorld());  
This doesnt work. How could this be done correctly? Thx PStiger
danpost danpost


Replace getWorld() with the name of your world. Example: if your sub-class of World is 'Arena', then 'Greenfoot.setWorld(new Arena());'
PStigerID PStigerID


Hi Danpost, thx for your answer. Is there a way with getWorld() ? Because I have one actor which I use in multiple words, and more code would be easier then making multiple actors... -PStiger
danpost danpost


Just create a world constructor to recieve the actor. Example (still using 'Arena', and adding actor Player class 'player'): 'Greenfoot.setWorld(new Arena(player));'.
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