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Greenfoot back
andrewsadik wrote ...



andrewsadik andrewsadik


Hey every body. Does anyone know how to make an actor disappear wiothout removing it using "setTransparency" method. Thanks
chiefnoah chiefnoah


It's an image method so you have to create a GreenfootImage object (ex. GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(100, 100); image.setTransparency(x);) Where x is a number between 0 and 255 (0 being completely transparent and 255 being solid)
Duta Duta


I assume you're asking how to remove an actor? If so:
/*In the Actor's class*/ getWorld().removeObject(this);
/*or in the world class*/ removeObject(anActor);
Or if you're asking how to make it invisible using setTransparency(...):
/*In the Actor's class*/ getImage().setTransparency(0);
/*or in the world class*/ anActor.getImage().setTransparency(0);
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