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I need HELP FAST !!!
By tost1, with 2 replies.
Last reply by tost1, almost 13 years ago:
thank you :)
2.2 couter
By -nic-, with 4 replies.
Last reply by SPower, almost 13 years ago:
Use this to update the score: <Code Omitted>
actor not in world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By -nic-, with 2 replies.
Last reply by -nic-, almost 13 years ago:
object A hitting object B
By wahaj, with 11 replies.
Last reply by wahaj, almost 13 years ago:
no its fine we all start somewhere. lets hope that we both become good programmers =)
help with dropping a new object
By Its_Just_That_Toasty, with no replies.
ok so i have a game and im trying to make it so that an object called food dropper to drop a new food object where ever it moves how do i do that please help
getInfo from ofther Actor
By PStigerID, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, almost 13 years ago:
One thing, is you are trying to call 'World(string X)' with 'World(getWorld())' (sending a World object to a method that receives a String object ). Then, you are taking that, supposed, string object and trying to use it as a class name. If you are trying to get 'mouse' infomation from whatever world it is in, you may have to <Code Omitted>casting what was returned from getWorld() to the proper sub-class of world before you can access that information.
Help please!
By kiarocks, with 4 replies.
Last reply by kiarocks, almost 13 years ago:
Whoops, forgot that atan2 isn't distance. How do I get the distance? Rest of code:
start menu????!!!!??
By -nic-, with 6 replies.
Last reply by -nic-, almost 13 years ago:
<Code Omitted>the Weak class is the button but for some reson it doesent work pleas help:)
3D - short question
By Moritz, with 7 replies.
Last reply by Moritz, almost 13 years ago:
Yes I think It will help me =)) thank you =)
By drhorriblejr, with 1 reply.
Replied to by drhorriblejr, almost 13 years ago:
Custom class's
Contest 1: This one will be easy for some users maybe harder for others... Make a platformer with multible levels... I don't care how many levels but try to make it as quick as you can... This contest is class B (small deadline). Must be made today. (Just to make it hard) If your really bad at programming then try downloading my custom class's package on the link at the top.
Mouse/Intersect problem
By matt.milan, with 1 reply.
Replied to by matt.milan, almost 13 years ago:
edit: fixed. or it seems to be. in the Draggable class, under the mousecontrol method, i changed 2 if statements
Why is this not working (Using System Time)
By PStigerID, with 2 replies.
Last reply by PStigerID, almost 13 years ago:
I just saw it as well...I need more Coffee!!!!! -_- Thanks.
Counter with an actor: Get Value
By PStigerID, with 2 replies.
Last reply by PStigerID, almost 13 years ago:
Perfect! Thanks
Actor not in World????
By PStigerID, with 3 replies.
Last reply by PStigerID, almost 13 years ago:
Nevermind I got it! <Code Omitted> and in the World: <Code Omitted> and <Code Omitted>
i want to add 2 enemys
By -nic-, with 3 replies.
Last reply by -nic-, almost 13 years ago:
anyway igot it working (felling smug)