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Live Scores... :)
By Omniscience, with 1 reply.
Replied to by DonaldDuck, almost 13 years ago:
Using your code, here it is. int i = 0 int score = i ; int frame = 0; void drawScore { GreenfootImage scoreBoard = new Image (dimensions,dimensions); //dimensions up to you scoreBoard.drawString(Integer.toString(score), 0, 0); //string placement should be have the x coordinate (first one) greater than 0 depending on string length and about half way down the image height so that you can see all letters setImage(scoreBoard); } void incrementScore() { frame = frame + 1; if(frame % 20 == 0) { //increase the % x to make the wait time longer i = i+1; }
By johncolmer, with no replies.
lets all help cafod to raise money
Side Scrolling
By Starsonovasa, with 6 replies.
Last reply by K_O_P, almost 13 years ago:
It might be better, if you'd take a look at the documentation of this scenario. There you can see explanations of all the methods.
chapter 5 piano
By wahaj, with 1 reply.
Replied to by sp33dy, almost 13 years ago:
Hi, Although I've not read the book, this is pretty straight forward java. Basically: public Key(String keyName, String soundFile) is the constructor for the Key Actor. Basically, when you create a new Key, you do so by: new Key(<keyName>,<soundFile>); For example: new Key("A","whistle.wav"); Now, that constructing method, put's the string "A" into the class variable key and the sound file name into sound class varilable (lines 6 & 7). If you then look at line 28, the if statement looks to see if key pressed is the value in the key class variable (i.e. you constructed t
By tallyaka, with 30 replies.
Last reply by tallyaka, almost 13 years ago:
Ok, I will. I'll get back to you tomorrow. For now I have to go to bed though. it's 10:30 and I have school tmrw.
Splitting a String
By Busch2207, with 8 replies.
Last reply by Busch2207, almost 13 years ago:
Omg! Now I understand the page, that Duta postet! xD Sry, but I read the page under stress, bevore school today morning and so I haven't thought so much! xD Now it's clear! I haven't thought about, that this was a String and so you need two backslashes instead of one. xD Thank you guys!
By Dom, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Duta, almost 13 years ago:
If you look in danpost's Bar.class, you'll see that there are the methods: - public void add(int amount) - public void subtract(int amount) You call these methods to add or subtract health. There are other ways to do this but here's one way: (1) Go to your
class. Add the following:
moving through objects
By mrlegs, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, almost 13 years ago:
If the river is part of the world's background, you would have to either map the rivers and cross-check using the map, or check the color where the man moves. Move him, then check, If is has a high amount of blue (for the river) then back him up and turn him.
By Duta, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Duta, almost 13 years ago:
@davmac I was assuming that it was a class, its just a shame that users uploading individual scenarios will be knocked off the front page really quickly. Its not the end of the world, just a little strange logging in to so many versions of one thing.
open editor failed
By Baxtor, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Baxtor, almost 13 years ago:
thx, so i will use greenfoot ;-)
Greenfoot 2.2?
By DonaldDuck, with 3 replies.
Last reply by davmac, almost 13 years ago:
Is turnTowards() like facing a different class?
It can be used to face towards another
, which could be of the same or a different class.
By vbh, with 6 replies.
Last reply by vbh, almost 13 years ago:
sorry im danish try to translate as good as i can. for some very strange reason its working today. thak you for trying to help me.
Image Tracking...
By Omniscience, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Omniscience, almost 13 years ago:
, again incredibly helpful. I do appreciate the corrections in the terminology; it definitely will help me in an exam :) ... On careful thought, I think I will opt for your first possible solution, seeing as the images are very small, so the inefficiency itself, for me, will be near to negligible. EDIT: ah, it didn't work! Well, lets try the
long-winded alternative...
Removing requests to add to collection does not appear to work
By danpost, with 4 replies.
Last reply by danpost, almost 13 years ago:
It works now, thank you so much!
book scenarios??
By vbh, with 2 replies.
Last reply by vbh, almost 13 years ago:
i did find it in the end :-) ty for your replay