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Applet flicker problem (and solution) on Mac
By mik, with 1 reply.
Replied to by MathManiac, almost 14 years ago:
Wow! I wonder if it works for Internet Explorer on windows...
Greenfoot not compiling
By Pink_Piranha, with no replies.
Ooops...Double post somehow... Sorry. :S
Help with this scenario!
By blakeesh, with 7 replies.
Last reply by Builderboy2005, almost 14 years ago:
Yes, a very big difference. By saying <Code Omitted> you are saying "Get the world! do nothing with it. And then try to removeObjects" But only the world is able to remove objects, so you need to do this: <Code Omitted> which says "Get the world, and then *use* the world to remove this object" which is what you want
By Almog, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Almog, almost 14 years ago:
Oh... Thanks This exactlly what I need
By -Tigerkralle-, with 6 replies.
Last reply by -Tigerkralle-, almost 14 years ago:
@kwill1429 Yes, I could... But then i would need 500 or more Wombat-Pictures... And I think, thats too mutch... @mik Thank you very much! :D
Passing on a trait to other objects of the same class
By mahimahi42, with 1 reply.
Replied to by mahimahi42, almost 14 years ago:
Nevermind! I found my problem, and have since fixed it.
Object Hiding a string, Can't acsses a method from World.
By Mattan.H, with 8 replies.
Last reply by Mattan.H, almost 14 years ago:
Oh thanks! i did not know that greenfoot draws everything again every act! that's helpfull! thanks again, Mattan.
Memory error in exported files
By Phazon, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Phazon, almost 14 years ago:
thanks a lot it finally worked :) (tried it before, but, somehow it always returned null, so i droped the idea; was standing in the
"method described here"
. Still wondering why it did that^^ )
High Score Saving
By billybobjoe1223, with 3 replies.
Last reply by mik, almost 14 years ago:
Both replies here have pointed out that you cannot write to a file (or connect to another website) when running in the Gallery. That is true. The reason is security: If any applet running on a web page was able to write to your file system, then just opening a web page could raise hell on your computer. The web page might contain an applet that erases all your files and replaces them with cats on skateboards. To prevent this, applets (and Greenfoot scenarios in the Gallery are applets) are run in a "sandbox" -- i.e. they are forbidden to do anything that could be dangerous. And that incl
By jhadad, with 3 replies.
Last reply by PiRocks, almost 14 years ago:
Make sure you have the newest form of Greenfoot. If your version is under 2.0, then GreenfootSound is unavailavble.
Help game bar
By jhadad, with 2 replies.
Last reply by webmessia, almost 14 years ago:
This may help slightly :P
Additional Software
By PiRocks, with 6 replies.
Last reply by billybobjoe1223, almost 14 years ago:
I've used
for music before. It has versions for windows and mac even though it has Linux in its name.
Mouse Icon
By PiRocks, with 9 replies.
Last reply by PiRocks, almost 14 years ago:
Thanks davmac for the code. I'm glad I didn't have to search through the source like I did for my last major problem (collision detecting outside of the world, this was before Greenfoot 2).
By Lildarkone, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Lildarkone, almost 14 years ago:
Nevermind, collision with world edge is working now. Thanks again for the arrow movement!
Mouse Wheel and Image
By PiRocks, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Builderboy2005, almost 14 years ago:
Ah, fixed it. I needed to add it into the world panel by using: WorldHandler.getInstance().getWorldCanvas().addMouseWheelListener(myScrollingListener);