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Need Help with Collision
By Outis, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, over 1 year ago:
Basically, after moving, if an obstacle is touched, then move back. For example, after line 36, which moves Mario horizontally: <Code Omitted>} A bit more is involved when moving vertically when gravity is in play. See what you can do with it.
How to make something jump i am a beginner
By names, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, over 1 year ago:
names wrote...
Hallo i started programming a month a go but i still dont know how to make a actor jump
Maybe the code in this scenario might help:
Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform
By ronald, with 5 replies.
Last reply by ronald, over 1 year ago:
OK this is a hex code for 3 RGB colors and hsl are percentages of hue clarity, saturation and lightness and the color blue in hsb is h / 255, s / 255, b /255 cad (0.9f,0.5f,0.8f) approximately. I'm coming back to HSL, so it's for a color too??? I get lost a little Thanks for your help
length - width height
By ronald, with 21 replies.
Last reply by ronald, over 1 year ago:
First of all thank you for the pendulum code that's what I feared, a pendulum is moving, it's not good, it's more difficult to handle, i.e. changing size while moving... that's what I said to myself when I compared your scaling world demo scenario which is stable and a moving pendulum otherwise I thank you again
Acquiring Old Source Code to My Game
By WillyRed, with 1 reply.
Replied to by nccb, over 1 year ago:
If you shared the source code when you uploaded it, then you can download it publicly from the site. If you didn't share the source code, then you didn't share it with us, so we don't have it either. You'd have to work out the details but the only alternative I can think of is to grab the JAR and decompile it. If you go to the legacy version of the scenario, e.g.
then you can search the page source for "<applet" and find the path to the JAR then download it. That at least has
Help with external libraries
By VIad, with 1 reply.
Replied to by rdFx, over 1 year ago:
Hi, the external library is not exported. (Referring to your game as "game-jar" and to the external library as "external-jar") When you open your game-jar and view the content of it, you can actually see that your external library is missing. There are two ways (i know of) to fix this: 1. You could extract your external-jar and add the extracted folder(s) to your game-jar exported by Greenfoot. The command prompt to run your jar-file is the same as shown in Greenfoot when exporting it (because now it is actually contained within game-jar). 2. When running your game-jar via command
By DerNait, with 2 replies.
Last reply by DerNait, over 1 year ago:
That helped a lot, thank you!
Next Version of Greenfoot (with Java 19+)
By MrBradley, with 2 replies.
Last reply by MrBradley, over 1 year ago:
Thank you for the update. My mistake, I did mean the LTS version 17.
Left and Right [Shift] keys
By KIITAKII, with 2 replies.
Last reply by KIITAKII, over 1 year ago:
Alright, thanks, danpost
Wie lasse ich meine Hinhtergrundmusik stoppen von Level zu Leve
By helpmeplease, with no replies.
public class Level1 extends World { Pou1 pou1; Boden1 boden1; GreenfootSound backgroundMusic = new GreenfootSound("hintergrundmusik.wav"); // erstellt neue hinterg int zaehler = 0; double p = 0.01; public static final GreenfootSound Level1 = new GreenfootSound("hintergrundmusik.wav"), Level2 = new GreenfootSound("hintergrundmusik.wav"), Level3 = new GreenfootSound("hintergrundmusik.wav"); /* * Erzeugt die Welt, färbt den Hintergrund und * platziert ein Pou-Objekt unten in die Mitte. */ public Level1() { super(800, 600, 1); /* erzeugt den Boden am unteren Rand der Welt */ boden1 = new Boden1(); int boden1Hoehe = boden1.getImage().getHeight(); addObject(boden1, 400, 600 - boden1Hoehe/2); /* erzeugt Pou und platziert ihn mittig oberhalb des Bodens */ pou1 = new Pou1(); int pou1Hoehe = pou1.getImage().getHeight(); addObject(pou1, 400, 620 - boden1Hoehe - pou1Hoehe/2); } /* * Wenn man das Spiel startet setzt es die hintergrundmusik auf 50. */ public void started() { backgroundMusic.setVolume(50); //change bg to what you declared the file as } /* * Setzt die Hintergrundmusik auf 0 wenn man auf stopp drückt. */ public void stopped() { backgroundMusic.setVolume(0); } // erzeugt mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit 0,01 ein Essen-Objekt public void act() { erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(p, new Pizza1()); erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(p, new Pommes1()); erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(p, new Schuh1()); erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(p, new Stein1()); erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(0.001, new Hamster()); backgroundMusic.playLoop(); //spielt die Hintergrundmusik in dauerschleife ab. } /* * Erzeugt mit Wahrscheinlichkeit p (zwischen 0 und 1) den angegebenen Akteur. */ void erzeugeMitWahrscheinlichkeit(double p, Actor akteur) { double zufallszahl = Math.random(); if (zufallszahl <= p) { platziereZufaellig(akteur); } } /* * Platziert das Objekt gegenstand an zufälliger Stelle am oberen Rand der Welt. */ void platziereZufaellig(Actor gegenstand) { int x = 50 + Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(700); // zwischen 50 und 749 int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50); // zwischen 0 und 49 addObject(gegenstand, x, y); // platziert das Objekt gegenstand an der Stelle (x|y) } } Leider weiß ich nicht warum die musik bei level 2 noch bleibt
these should now become faster and more
By helpmeplease, with 6 replies.
Last reply by danpost, over 1 year ago:
helpmeplease wrote...
I dont understand how this could help me to get my objects that fly from the top to go faster and more as time goes by
With a field like: <Code Omitted>in your world class to count act steps (frames), you could use in your world class:
Objekte sollen mit der zeit schneller und mehr runterfallen
By helpmeplease, with 8 replies.
Last reply by helpmeplease, over 1 year ago:
dankeschön und wie mach ich das jetzt mit der fallgeschwindigkeit
Having a list with multiple actors
By FALAFFI, with 3 replies.
Last reply by danpost, over 1 year ago:
FALAFFI wrote...
thank you but it dosnt work and says "incompatible types: java.util.List<Gegner5> cannot be converted to java.util.List <greenfoot.Actor>
Sorry. Try this for line 2: <Code Omitted>
Help needed car simulator
By Luisam21, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Luisam21, over 1 year ago:
danpost wrote...
Luisam21 wrote...
Hello, can someone help me? I am programming a simple car simulator and want the user to put in the destination and depending on where the destination is I want a object (little flag) to appear on The map but I doesn’t appear,’. ( Destination is the class of the flag) << Code Omitted >>
The input value might be the same as the literal string given; however, it is not the same object (two different strings containing similar character string sets). To compare the two, use: <Code Omitted>
Thank you so much! It
cant jump while holding two buttons
By Mauckenweg, with 2 replies.
Last reply by danpost, over 1 year ago:
Mauckenweg wrote...
In my jumpnrun you can use a/d to move and m to sprint. this works fine but i cant jump (space) while sprinting. is it possible to fix this?
It is not possible to jump at all without any code for jumping.