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Incompatible types: cannot be converted into boolean.
By 200263, with 1 reply.
Replied to by AbdulrazaqAS, almost 3 years ago:
It should be <Code Omitted>As in line 24
getLifeCounter undeclared even though I have a actor called LifeCounter
By 200263, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Spock47, almost 3 years ago:
Well, if the getLifeCounter method is in the MyWorld class, you need to call it on a MyWorld object, e.g. <Code Omitted>
run Problem
By Omar6489, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Super_Hippo, almost 3 years ago:
Show your code.
timer doesnt change value
By Aaron-aid, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Aaron-aid, almost 3 years ago:
nah i figured it out, it ran i just forgot to add the bullet to the world
Animation freezes on last image
By SlayGirlSlay, with 6 replies.
Last reply by SlayGirlSlay, almost 3 years ago:
No worries!
Need help with a "Greenfoot.MouseClicked" code
By Puffshroom, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Puffshroom, almost 3 years ago:
Nevermind, I fixed it by putting the code in the world, not create a seperate actor for it.
Greenfoot Actors not touch each other?
By TimQ1704, with 4 replies.
Last reply by AbdulrazaqAS, almost 3 years ago:
some corrections
simulation covid
By beghalia97, with no replies.
l'ai besion un expmle pour simuler les épidemie de covid
using TrueTypeFont for GreenfootImage
By SammyFORreal, with 1 reply.
Replied to by SammyFORreal, almost 3 years ago:
Okay I found the solution by myself. By creating a new GreenfootFont, it just stores a java.awt.Font inside, which is private. So by simply doin' Reflections stuff, I'm able to load a font from a .TTF file.
(Can't be .OTF!)
By Davidson, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Davidson, almost 3 years ago:
Thank you
Close the game with a click.
By Maniak, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Jhonathan, almost 3 years ago:
You can use isTouching and showText method for it <Code Omitted>
How do I move without rotating my actor?
By Billkingtang, with 7 replies.
Last reply by Billkingtang, almost 3 years ago:
The problem looks like it stems from the if (obj instanceof Zombie) continue; If I remove that then I dont run into the problem. Is there any possible solutions? I think the problem is when there are no pedestrians nearby the loop doesn't know what to do? EDIT: I found a solution to the problem. I simply used a conditional to check if the obj was null.
My cooldown timer won't work
By li66m, with 4 replies.
Last reply by li66m, almost 3 years ago:
Super_Hippo wrote...
No. Start by commenting out line 17.
nevermind I was able to figure out the problem myself. Thanks for the help though!
Go to a location
By AbdulrazaqAS, with 7 replies.
Last reply by AbdulrazaqAS, almost 3 years ago:
Super_Hippo wrote...
I guess the variable velocity is too high, so it travels over the point back and forth. You could try to set it to the location if it’s closer than the velocity. <Code Omitted> Not tested.
Thank you, it worked.
By JohnGomes, with no replies.
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