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How to animate my character ?
By Nordrasil, with 8 replies.
Last reply by Nordrasil, 10 months ago:
Thank you a lot for your help danpost.
how do i make actor throw knife and stop??
By sussywussy, with 3 replies.
Last reply by danpost, 10 months ago:
sussywussy wrote...
Thank you very much, danpost!!! This was so helpful.
Two things: (1) in the
code, the literals should probably be the modes; ex: <Code Omitted> (2) The line in the
method should be: <Code Omitted>
By Susheonnn, with 1 reply.
Replied to by CryingInThePark, 10 months ago:
omg same!
How to increase heap space?
By Annex456789, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Annex456789, 10 months ago:
Hi Danpost, I think I solved it, because I created an infinite loop with one of my actors. Thank you to being so helpful :)
What country are you from?
By sandhsf, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Nordrasil, 10 months ago:
.jar export doesn't launch
By hambasan, with no replies.
Hello! I am working on a project for a competition, and I'm trying to export the game I've created to a .jar file, to not have to have Greenfoot installed when I present it. I fully coded the project in Greenfoot 3.8.2, and then uninstalled it and installed Greenfoot 3.8.1 so that I can export it as a .jar. No matter what I do, the .jar file will not launch. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Java, I've used jarfix.exe, but it doesn't work. I can double-click the program as much as I want, it is useless. Even unzipped the .jar file to see if it works in Greenfoot, and it does. This is the download link to the .jar:
Download of the Jar
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
How to fix scenario not working properly on browser?
By BillP101, with no replies.
Hello, my Solitaire scenario ( that I published recently does not work properly on browser but works perfectly fine on Greenfoot app as I tested by downloading it on another computer and my own computer as well and I also tried using other browsers. From what I see so far everything breaks after you press play on the main menu on the browser. I made this scenario long ago so I don't remember much currently try to fix it but any help will be greatly appreciated.
Random Number in range
By S00pM4n, with 2 replies.
Last reply by danpost, 10 months ago:
S00pM4n wrote...
how do i generate a random number between 10 and 20 for example
<Code Omitted>
Object Does Not Appear Automatically
By hiiiimlynn, with 2 replies.
Last reply by hiiiimlynn, 10 months ago:
Super_Hippo wrote...
The ‘myDefense’ method is never executed.
oh my gosh you are right! i feel so silly. thank you so much for your time.
getting actor methods into world
By 196els11, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, 10 months ago:
196els11 wrote...
I am trying to access my method spider from the actor class inside of the world class but i cant figure it out
Please provide all of world class codes. Signify where your attempt was made. Then provide the code of the method you are trying to access.
My hearts aren´t dissapearing
By daviddd, with 12 replies.
Last reply by danpost, 10 months ago:
daviddd. wrote...
also, when i pick the option medium or hard i still get 5 lives, i have 3, 1 heart(s) on the screen but i dont die after running out of them? sorry if im a bother
You have two fields that are to hold same value (well, supposed to -- at least). They are (1) the
field that the
instance retains and (2) the
field that the
instance retains. To keep things simple, best is to limit yourself to one field per value. So, remove the one the player retains and move all health related code from the
By Alexnikolaidou, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, 10 months ago:
Alexnikolaidou wrote...
I have no syntax errors. How do I display the objects in my world ?
How to use the multiple parameter arrays?
By Cbazz, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Cbazz, 10 months ago:
Programm does´nt work in browser
By Tonomis, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Unknown_friend, 10 months ago:
Unfortunately it didn`t solve the problem. We uploaded a Version, in which we deleted the GifImage Class, and it shows the same error message.
I need help with my code
By GrDan, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Super_Hippo, 10 months ago:
You need to get a reference to the world to add the object to the world. An actor can receive a reference to the world it is currently in with the ‘getWorld’ method.