My code with intersectingObjects was overwritten by my old code. Back to the drawing board. :/ I'll take this opportunity to comment and organize my code before I re-implement it.
What is the most "elegant" way of making the wall blocks unpassable? I thought about doing the "ifCanEat" method to avoid moving -- but I don't know if that's the best way.
I moved the sound back to the MyWorld class where it really should be. I just need to figure out how to access it from other classes. I don't get the "static" setup yet but I will.
Other things I want to begin adding include:
· Game Over graphic
· Have zombies chase player and bonuses if they are within range
· Have Bonuses run from zombies and toward player if they are in range
· Implement "lives"
· Make "walls" un-passable (act like walls)
· Have the "map" change from level to level
Danpost (and FlyingRabigUnicornPig) - I moved my background sound over to my "Monster" class since it's the thing that ends the game. I started with: "private GreenfootSound bgSound = new GreenfootSound("music.mp3");" and then in the "tryToEatPlayer" class I added "bgSound.stop();" when he's eaten. It doesn't stop the sound, however. I know it's something dumb -- I just don't see it.
Zombie Rescue Squad
Zombie Rescue Squad
Zombie Rescue Squad
Zombie Rescue Squad
Zombie Rescue Squad
Pokemon Pikachu vs. Meowth
Wild Coyote