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Game/maniac's Scenarios

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play Bounce time
plays 6591 / votes 9

Bounce time

by Game/maniac, 2012/10/7

Get a cool highscore

play Mandelbrot
plays 3458 / votes 2


by Game/maniac, 2014/7/17

A colorful adventure into the mandelbrot

play Demon time
plays 7234 / votes 14

Demon time

by Game/maniac, 2012/10/21

!Halloween special!

play Conway's soldiers - Evolved
plays 3019 / votes 0

Conway's soldiers - Evolved

by Game/maniac, 2014/1/31

Conways soldiers go to battle

play Crayola city
plays 4277 / votes 5

Crayola city

by Game/maniac, 2014/6/29

My first try at making something 3D

play Pixel dust
plays 5128 / votes 7

Pixel dust

by Game/maniac, 2013/7/2

The most fun you can have with dust

play Gravity Sim
plays 5519 / votes 2

Gravity Sim

by Game/maniac, 2013/12/30

A simulation of gravity

play Isometric 3d cube
plays 4558 / votes 5

Isometric 3d cube

by Game/maniac, 2015/11/28

A concept for 3d rendering

play terrain generation
plays 9840 / votes 19

terrain generation

by Game/maniac, 2012/12/2

Generate terraria/minecraft terrain

play Moon patrol
plays 6970 / votes 13

Moon patrol

by Game/maniac, 2013/6/17

A classic arcade game remake