Ran into a funny glitch that the barrel moves away from me (to the left or right) when I go away, and back to it's normal spot when I get closer to it's original location. Ran into this after I circled around the loop with the yellow walls.
Oh, i didn't know that's what you did for the spinners. Nice idea! And I don't think the background matters. (Though you might want to double check just in case)
For making the spinners not move until you click the middle, have it in their act methods that they won't move until the mouse has clicked once (or more specifically, on the red rectangle). Something like this "public void act(){ if (!mouseClickedOnce()) return; //You define mouseClickedOnce()". Use the docs to learn how to use the mouse through different methods: http://www.greenfoot.org/files/javadoc/greenfoot/MouseInfo.html (take a look at getClickCount()).
Also, when the requirements say to use no sprites, what it really means is that you have to draw the image in greenfoot using the GreenfootImage draw methods, not from an image file from the image folder (the image folder should be completely empty)
I was using the pictures that came with greenfoot until i went to make my own graphics. The picture was the one that i thought would be the best as a character, compared to the others (and wasn't already the man). I never finished the game either, so it forever stays as a phone.
Raycasting Engine
Raycasting Engine
Raycasting Engine
Save the mouse!
Save the mouse!
Slender 2D
Dungeon (demo)