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Kartoffelbrot's Scenarios

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play CombinatorialCircuitEditor
plays 5629 / votes 10


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/9/14

Build your own computer!

play Wilhelm Tell
plays 3870 / votes 4

Wilhelm Tell

by Kartoffelbrot, 2014/1/12

Shoot the apple!

play Tiny Tank
plays 22467 / votes 50

Tiny Tank

by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/4/24

Game about a tank.

play Mandelbrot set
plays 3615 / votes 3

Mandelbrot set

by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/11/2

Explore the Mandelbrot set

play Skyway
plays 4973 / votes 12


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/6/3

Roll at a randomly generated way

play Animal Farm
plays 3523 / votes 1

Animal Farm

by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/11/20

Simple animal AI try

play Death Race
plays 5998 / votes 10

Death Race

by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/7/5

A game, inspired by the Movie

play PictureRedrawer
plays 2425 / votes 0


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/11/11

Make your own drawings ready for Paint.

play Electricity
plays 4751 / votes 7


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/5/15

Turn on the Light!

play Color
plays 5160 / votes 6


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/6/21

Create your Color