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D: 69% I'm actually a little happy that I only guessed on the first one. I certainly learned a lot, though.
GreenHouse, I understand what you mean when you say a users data is deleted, but you didn't answer my question. I was asking if you know WHY some of them are deleted. Are they deleted because there was once a user with that number, but now there's not? Or is it something else?
Thanks for the code, tylers, I don't really understand some of the classes you're user, such as UserManager, I found some API here: But it doesn't seem to be the same. Nevertheless, thank you for the explanation using code, I now see he's just grabbing the information from Also, just curious, but do you know whether the users that don't exist are users whose accounts were deleted, or does greenfoot just skip some usernumbers when it assigns you a usernumber?
Thanks bourne, the follow up to that answer would be HOW is he getting user data from the website? Not through UserInfo, if he's showing users that have never seen the scenario.
Greenhouse, how do you tell if they have a default image? Also, does it show EVERY user, or just every user that runs the scenario?
HAHA! I BROKE 4000!! After that you start getting the white enemies. I don't think they're really any harder for some reason. In fact, they might be easier. Whatever, I still broke 4000.
Super_Hippo, after taking a second look at the code, I figured out why the bug you pointed out was happening, and fixed it.
Super_Hippo, I've gotten 3500+ probably over 15 times. The hard part is when the light green ones start coming (I think that's the right color).
Thanks for pointing out that bug, Super_Hippo, I've noticed it, but I can't seem to find anywhere in the code that would cause that. And, DePeep, that happens when you're not logged in, it doesn't show the scoreboard.