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I think I may have fixed the lag problem. Please check if it lags on your computers. (btw, it will lag for one moment when a completely new object (meaning never been loaded b/4) is loaded into memory).
You can use it ;). Anyone can use my code as long as credit is given where it's needed.
I have ended the game at level 30 for now. I also uploaded my source code for you guys to look at. I'll refine the source code here and there to make it easier to read and give credit where it's due, but that's about it. The end of this game I guess ;). Enjoy.
thanks, I have completely (not really :) ) changed the way the menu reacts with the user. Now it should be much easier to navigate/use. I also reduced dead code (and files) to reduce loading time and efficiency.
This is very cool. I can see a possibility for you to implement a FPS now ;)
Thanks. Sorry about my slowness to fix the errors; my flash drive corrupted my project part way thru xD. I fixed up a couple of things, and I think this version should be less laggy.
Thanks! I'll try to see if I can make it more entertaining ;) Anyone got to level 20 +? Because I was hoping to make the game challenging enough, but easy enough to adapt to and have fun with.
Very nice! This scenario you made opens many new possibilities, not to mention "3D" could be used to make first person shooters with this. Great job!
Alright, I've fixed level 20 and up, before they weren't loading correctly. You can also now continue the game after dieing with all your stats restored correctly. The background changes are also now fixed. A new feature is that you can now level jump. By that, you can enter a code to jump to a particular level. The auth code is give to at the start of every level and displays in the Sys: message box. Good luck at level 20+... see what happens when you get there ;).