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Busch2207's Comments

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I would advise you to change the screenshot, because the actual is not promising and therefore, not many people will call your game.
Well done! Nice game! :)
Very good! But sometimes you get stuck on the wall... Maybe you should add, that you can reset the Level, by pressing 'r'. :)
Very Nice! :)
Well, that's ok! If I would mind about this, I wouldn't had published the source code. :)
Great game! Just a little bit diffiult...
Well... There are many free versions of this game in the Internet... So I think, there won't be a problem... But I'll change the name with the next update. :)
All right! Thanks for your comments! I'll add that as soon as possible. ;)
@ matt.milan mh... First I let the pixel check, if they can move down. ( If the pixel under this has less alpha or more brightness) And if the pixel can't move down, I check, if it can move left or right down... And that's the whole trick. @ sp33dy Sorry, but I'm working on another game, where I want to use this for ash. But as it stands now, it will still take a couple of months, till the game is ready. @ Morran Well, It's not as difficult, as it seems. I used the methods getColorAt(int,int) and setColorAt(int,int,Color)... And the rest is explained above