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@tylers, you asked to see the codes. Well, I posted a new scenario called 'Maze Generator' with source. I hope that is sufficient. It only has the part to create the maze (but in multiple ways). It does not, however, have the player or the maze solving algorithm (or the timers; or muliple sizes).
Does this machine ever run out of product? Either there is an endless supply or it holds an abundance of product. Good thing, though; I was thirsty!
Amen, to that!
@dlanni, how about jumping on poor little ol' snakes?
Nobody will be able to download, unless you include the source.
You should be able to see what it does. The yellow dots are the squares in question, the red are squares determined as not in the correct path. It records where it has been, and when down the wrong path, will mark red (back-tracking) back to the next fork in the path; then, tries a different path.
Sorry to disappoint you. But, I got it from my head. I did not use any resources at all.
Sure, no problem. But, I do not REQUIRE (as in demand) credits. Do, at least, check out some of my other scenarios. BTW, for a thrill, before running, remove the top object and watch it actually create a maze.
@Razzo, let me know what you think.