Anybody else notice any 'glitching out' in edit mode? If so, please, please, explain exactly how it is 'glitching out', so I hopefully could re-produce it, and find and fix the problem.
@kiarocks, what do you mean by 'it glitches out a lot'? If you are referring to the fact that it will not take certain keys at certain times, then it was meant to be that way. All operations must be included in the entering (ex. '300sin(x/250)' will not be accepted, but '300[b]*[/b]sin(x/250)' will). If that is not what you posted about, please explain.
Would be nice to show dealers cards after 'Stand'ing.
Also, would be more realistic if the same card did not keep showing up.
Could create the full shuffled deck, removing used cards during play, until cards remaining is less than 12 or so, then remove all cards, and create a new shuffled deck.
Create a in the Paddle class called 'goBig()' which resizes (or re-creates) the image and use image.drawString(String, int, int) or create a seperate image with new GreenfootImage(String, font, Color, Color) and image.drawImage(GreenfootImage, int, int); either way, finish with setImage(image). The method can be public and called from the world using a reference to the paddle object 'paddle.goBig();' (if 'paddle' is the reference name).
Equation Grapher
Equation Grapher
Throwing things
Throwing things
Throwing things
Throwing things
Throwing things