Hey I'm not angry at all! I'm happy if I can explain this kinda stuff to other people!
So first of all this is how the messaging generally works:
- Someone creates a message with a text and the username of the adressed user
- The text, the target user and the time at which it was created get stored in the userinfo of the person that sends the message (not the recieving one, you can only write the userinfo of the currently logged in person)
- If someone refreshes his inbox the program goes through every message of every userinfo ever stored and checks if the target user is him, the current user. If it is, it knows that the user that stores the message did send the message to him
Now for the way that stiff is stored in each userinfo:
Username ----> Source of any messages from this UserInfo
Score -------> Last refresh time
int[0] \
int[1] |
int[2] |----> Target user of message 1-5, as the hash code of the username
int[3] |
int[4] /
int[5] \
int[6] |
int[7] |----> Timestamp of message 1-5
int[8] |
int[9] /
String[0] \
String[1] |
String[2] |-> Message 1-5
String[3] |
String[4] /
You see, there is no more space left to store which messages have been opened
I have that somewhat implemented. If you write a message to yourself you will see that it is bold until you reload the next time. I will try to add that it gets 'unbold' of you click on it.
I would like it to have it so that the message stays bold until you click on it, but that is (as far as I can see) not possible with the storage space limitation of UserInfo. Currently every message consists of three parts: The text of the message, the target user (his id, so an int) and the timestamp of the message, again as an int. I could replace the time with an id if the message, a random number, that would be possible. But the reader had to save a list of ids of the messages he already read, and there is no more space for that.
For the cut text: I know it's quite annoying. I usually just add an additional space at the end to ensure it's fine. That's because I have measured all the characters from the font one by one and some sizes are a bit off apparently
Yeah I'm kinda sorry I didn't play it earlier, it's meen up there for quite some time and you keep updating it, which is something I'm not really good at. I also really like all the details like the tanks in the menu and the hints and stuff, I think that that's quite special for such a 'small' game. The main reason why I didn't play it is because I'm generally not interested in tank games, but your's has a fun 1 button mechanic
Thanks a lot!
You mean "Private Messaging" by Danpost? I've seen that too, I think it works a little different based on the description, but onfortunatly there is no source.
Also it's actually not so complicated. I've got a more detailed explaination in the source code, you may check it out
Dawn of Tank