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Kostya20052011's Comments

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Прикольно, но почему именно пауки - как препятствия, они же тоже насекомые)
But at the expense of the " | " icon, I advise you to think, because the logical or consists of two "|", not one.
By the way, you can replace the sign": "with the sign"|", I think it will be more beautiful.
Clearly, good luck in the development of the project!)
try{ "Dangerous code" }catch(Exception e){}
It still doesn't work a little, when calculating some example, the program stops + everything is calculated in "int", it is better if it is in "dooble". a little help, in order to remove any errors on stopping the program, use try {"Dangerous code"}catch(Exception e){}
It's a pity that many people copied your game...(
Cool game) I also wrote a game about ants))
Wow!) I also made a game on the theme of ants)