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Kostya20052011's Comments

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If the AI has an if condition that doesn't make it a bot, you can use if to do training, and you should learn more about this topic.
Previously there were 2 AI, now 1. He learns to pass the maze.
Private12345 compared to what?
Private12345 try playing again!)
Private12345 I'm still working on bots!
Roshan123 i wanted to take some time off from programming today, but I'll start tomorrow)
Private12345 enemies sometimes get stuck, but mostly they are quite good))
You can type in Gmail search, register, so we can communicate. I have never been hacked in social networks, but if you want, you can diligently follow all the security rules, it minimizes the risks. Gmail also gives you a lot of additional features besides communication.
Gmail is not a social network, it is an Internet mail service.