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QuiqueRuiz's Scenarios

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play Daniel Lopez's Space Invaders
plays 648 / votes 0

Daniel Lopez's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Alberto's Space Invaders
plays 660 / votes 0

Alberto's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Daniel's Space Invaders
plays 647 / votes 0

Daniel's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Mauro's Space Invaders
plays 593 / votes 0

Mauro's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Harutyun's Ultimate Invaders
plays 588 / votes 0

Harutyun's Ultimate Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Miasnik's Space Invaders
plays 703 / votes 0

Miasnik's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/6/19

play Lorena's Space Invaders
plays 618 / votes 0

Lorena's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/5/27

Classic pace Invaders with some surprise

play Qiwei's Space Invaders (Calamity mod ambiented)
plays 849 / votes 0

Qiwei's Space Invaders (Calamity mod ambiented)

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/5/20

My first videogame programmed in Java

play Carla's Covid
plays 789 / votes 0

Carla's Covid

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/5/20

Covid Space Invaders

play Pepelu's Space Invaders
plays 798 / votes 0

Pepelu's Space Invaders

by QuiqueRuiz, 2022/5/19

Classic game (10 levels + Boss)