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Ninto's Scenarios

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play Super Mario Bros. Scrolling
plays 35297 / votes 32

Super Mario Bros. Scrolling

by Ninto, 2009/5/3

A Super Mario Bros. game.

play Ninto's Game of Life
plays 6159 / votes 4

Ninto's Game of Life

by Ninto, 2009/4/14

My remake of John Conway's 'Conway's Game of Life'(C)

play Pong
plays 19945 / votes 5


by Ninto, 2009/4/9

The classic pong game.

play Game01
plays 4691 / votes 2


by Ninto, 2009/4/8


play TD-Game
plays 9200 / votes 9


by Ninto, 2009/3/25

A nice little tower-defence game. In english!

play Double Grid
plays 8728 / votes 3

Double Grid

by Ninto, 2009/3/23

A gridActor with 2 grids at once :\

play Suport classes
plays 7295 / votes 11

Suport classes

by Ninto, 2009/3/21

Some suport-classes that might could be used to something.

play Greep scenario
plays 8716 / votes 2

Greep scenario

by Ninto, 2009/3/9

Simulate some greeps (not for the SIGCSE 2009)

play Pressure smulation
plays 6346 / votes 5

Pressure smulation

by Ninto, 2009/3/8

a scenario to simulate pressure and sand.