You should either increase the size of the cars or tweak the collision detection: with their current sizes, it's possible to avoid the collision detection.
For some reason it didn't want to start while having it open in my browser, but after downloading it worked fine. I like your implementation!
And about people not leaving any comments or anything: it happens. It could also be because people aren't logged in, but when it happens, one's just got to deal with it, I guess.
@tria95 @dbz3396 @AIMrOrange I wasn't here for a religious discussion, neither to say that the title should be changed or anything, but simply to warn you. But ok, end discussion.
@tria95 I'm sorry, 666 isn't the number of the devil: it's the number of the beast. And hell is the place people without Christ go to after judgement, not immediately when they die. The two have almost no connection. And while you feel fun using those terms, I'm sorry, but you'll come to your senses sooner or later.
@erdelf Even though he uses it, he doesn't know what he is talking about: that's my point. Maybe he should look into the matter a bit deeper than just using things you've heard.
Help Chuck The Chicken
Quest 2
666 Days in HELL
666 Days in HELL
666 Days in HELL
666 Days in HELL
666 Days in HELL