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fishwaffles1337's Comments

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I just got super busy with school so I probably won't be working on this for a long time, if you like the game there are other completed ones on greenfoot as well many other places online.
@ Builderboy2005 The rules aren't working properly right now because the world starts full of "empty cells" and placing populated cells on top of them doesn't remove the empty cell class(right now, I'm still trying to figure that). Which means all the cells think they have one more empty cell around them then they actually do.
This is a really early version or the game I have a lot of plans to improve eg: improved graphics, music and sfx, and I'll continue to optimize it for smaller file sizes and better load times. But in the meantime enjoy and report and bugs in the comments or to my email
@DonaldDuck Where in the code would I put that?
[code]/** * Check mouse input. */ private void checkMouse() { if(MouseInfo.getActor() = EmptyCell.class){ removeObject(EmptyCell); addObject(new Cell(), mx, my); } }[code/]
I'm trying to add the ability to draw in your own Cells, but I can't figure out hoe to use MouseInfo.