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Customize property to share with fellow Greenfoot members. And unlock new items.

Please read the in-scenario Help/Info, accessed by the "Help" button at the top of the scenario.

Needless to say, votes/likes are always appreciated.

This scenario was built on top of a much gutted and refactored version of my Iso Terrain scenario, found here:

For an isometric slope image generator, visit:

For reusable GUI Components, visit:

11191 views / 25 in the last 7 days

20 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: scrolling gui editor isometric map codes userinfo bourne unlocks compression

This scenario is a member of: Isometric, UserInfo Shares

open in greenfoot

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@drhorriblejr, Each town has 9 properties. One or two may be filled. On a less populated town you can scroll around on the map and find a property that has a sale sign.


25 Franklin is for sale! Make your bids now.


Hey! It works now, for some reason before all the empty properties were all grey and they had the loading image on them... Glitch?


That happens as it is still loading data - user images.


Ah well it doesn't take forever to do that now... and I am going to add some stuff to my new property :D
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Mar 12 19:21:00 UTC 2014 Trying out bigger screen
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Mar 12 19:52:23 UTC 2014 Improved town rendering with bigger screen
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Mar 12 22:03:49 UTC 2014 Improvements on bigger screen. Bug fix for selling then claiming the same lot again, characters would not walk around.


I'm having trouble unlocking a code from the tic tac toe scenario. What do I do?


Even though it seems that bourne isn't around here anymore, I couldn't help but mention that I managed to get 12/10 rooms. I got enough codes to unlock 10 rooms but I kept on typing in that same code and I was able to build more rooms. I then saved the new rooms that I built so that I built a total of 12 rooms when I should only be able to build 10. There is no code (I'm assuming, unless this is on purpose) checking if a password was typed in already before saying that there are new things unlocked and adding them.

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Yehuda Nosson1459 AIMrOrange herusaputra drhorriblejr Pöllö Pointifix FireChick MrHam Coder9000 Gevater_Tod4711 Builderboy2005 inigmo-drago-10 shrucis1 RUMMAKER Game/maniac JetLennit Firewall lordhershey erdelf