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Scenarios tagged: bourne

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play Galactic Frontier
plays 3953 / votes 2

Galactic Frontier

by bourne, 2013/5/4

Survival, resource, and control - RTS

play Train Yard
plays 3143 / votes 3

Train Yard

by bourne, 2013/5/5

Trains! A sandbox and 3 unique game modes

play Tic-Tac-Toe + 2
plays 2978 / votes 0

Tic-Tac-Toe + 2

by AlistairDragonHeart, 2015/1/9

some twists

play Guardian
plays 4232 / votes 2


by bourne, 2014/7/12

Improved version of my Pryo side scroller game

play Interpreter
plays 5314 / votes 8


by bourne, 2014/4/28

Write some code and run it

play GUI Components
plays 15823 / votes 17

GUI Components

by bourne, 2013/3/1

Reusable GUI components. (TextBox, Menu, ListBox, Window, etc.)

play Popout
plays 2606 / votes 1


by bourne, 2014/4/2

Pops out the applet in a separate window. Helpful for mac keyboard release issues when applet in browser

play Greenfoot Bear
plays 3482 / votes 1

Greenfoot Bear

by bourne, 2014/4/2

Removal of the border and control buttons around the jar or applet

play Residents
plays 11200 / votes 20


by bourne, 2013/12/30

Customize property to share with fellow Greenfoot members. And unlock new items.